Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Art Of Exhaling

Torn paper became the spoons in the kitchen

Olivia the fish splashed through your hair

You set them free

Immersed them in the kitchen sink

Among soap suds and bread knifes

Torn paper became your chocolate birthday cake

Orange peels and paper plates!

Left town the very next day

Be carful of your eyes as they grow dry

Watching Olivia

Olivia this is your twin

A hundred red helmets have set you apart

Live your life as if pigs pirouetted

And told bedtime stores to their children

Bring in the trash cans from 2 days prior

It was curtains closed

Torn paper became curtains closed

In your kitchen windows

In your looming office

In the ways you were feeling

Blue eyes

Closed tight

Held up the sky

Britain this decade was infancy

Light was the stan of your skin

You Olivia, child of a white mother

Thought you’d turn coal black

Still weren't the flashlights enough to light your path?

The walls in this house fell wile I was sleeping

And in my dreams they were a choir singing.